RE-OPENED 2020 Art Woman Geo-Graphies
- Primo Piano LivinGallery has the pleasure of announcing the reopening of the female exhibition "GEO-GRAPHIES: Identity Rituals and Fragile Ecosystems", curated by Dores Sacquegna at Palmieri's Foundation in Lecce, Italy. PRIMO PIANO ATELIER PRIZE to BIKKEL ARTIST for her Glass sculpture ” Africa woman black head”. Date: in the morning by apointment with collectors / buyers)
- 25 mei 2020 tot en met 7 juni 2020
Primo Piano LivinGalleryVico dei Sotterannei
1111AA Lecce
- Ma
- 16.30 tot 21.30
- Di
- 16.30 tot 21.30
- Wo
- 16.30 tot 21.30
- Do
- 16.30 tot 21.30
- Vr
- 10.00 tot 17.00
- Za
- 17.00 tot 21.30
- Zo
- 17.00 tot 21.30