“Woman in the Arts 2014” Doral – Miami, USA
March 14 till April 5, 2014
Museum of the Americas in Doral, Miami, USA.
Bikkel participate in the exhibition Woman in the Arts 2014 from March 14 till April 5, 2014, in the Museum of the Americas in Doral, Miami, USA.
Since 1991, the Museum of the Americas celebrates the International Month of the Woman with the exhibition “Woman in the Arts”.
The opening is on Friday, March 14, 2014 and the closing on Saturday, April 5, 2014.
Museum of the Americas
2500 NW 79 Avenue – Suite #104
Doral, FL 33122-USA
Bikkel - Brute force in Egypt - oil painting on canvas - 10x10x4cm - 2013