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Bikkel receive Certificate of Excellence 2014
25 november 2014ARTAVITA Certificate of Excellence for the oil painting “Bull Holland” at 10th Online Contest, 2014
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Bikkel ontvangt een gedeeld laureaat als vrijwilliger in het Museum Maassluis
10 november 2014Museum Maassluis, Zuiddijk 16, Maassluis.
De vrijwilligers zijn voor deze eervolle Culturele Prijs Maassluis (28 nov 2014), welke wordt uitgereikt door Wethouder David van Houwen namens de Culturele Raad Maassluis, voorgedragen door Hans Ploeg, Voorzitter van bestuur Museum Maassluis.
“Na de oprichting van de Stichting Museum Maassluis ( 18-12-2012) is een enthousiaste groep vrijwilligers samen met de twee overgebleven vaste medewerkers aan de gang gegaan om het oude vertrouwde Gemeentemuseum als zelfstandige organisatie voort te zetten.
Zonder vrijwilligers is er geen Museum vandaar dat zij al in de eerste aanhef worden genoemd.
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Bikkel at KadK 40, DELFT
10 november 2014November 7th, 2014 till February 6th, 2015
Participating artists: Martijn van Steenbergen, Mark Pol, Bikkel, Albert Groenheyde.
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Bikkel exhibit at LOUVRE, Oct 2014
29 oktober 2014Here are all my art friends I meet during my exhibition at the LOUVRE!!!!!!!! I got a wonderfull time. Many thanks to the director of the Museum of the Americas (MoA), to organize such a wonderful presentation! I am thrilled and honoured to have in a n exhibition at the LOUVRE for the 3th time in my life. please look to the photo of my newest abstract I show in the outside of the LOUVRE, ha, ha. Wish all my art friends all the best and hope to see you soon again!
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7 september 2014Bikkel joined this weekend this festival to paint live on the streets of AMSTERDAM! Yesterday, Saturday September 6th, I paint with oil in the Centre - Korte Prinsegracht. Today, Sunday, is a one day exhibition at The Posthoornkerk, Amsterdam. At the background the typical Amsterdam buildings. The portrets I made from Amsterdam inhabitants, who cross my painting place at one of the bridges. I choose the woman painting to exhibit today at Posthoornkerk. The festival is organized by amazing kindfull London organisation! Tribute! Please come and see the work of hundreds of artists who rose to the challenge of capturing the spirit of Amsterdam. Posthoornkerk, Haarlemmerstraat 124, 1013 EX Amsterdam. Opening times: 12:00 till 18:00 p.m.
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Opening 10rd ANNIVERSARY of Gallery Kunst aan de Kade
6 september 2014from l to r: Brighart, Shahaila Winklaar, Bikkel, Andries de Haan jr., Herman Mes, Gunther Borst, Dulci and wife of Gunther (Hellouisa and husband not on photo) surprized Bikkel to attent the festive opening with flowers and bring love and good conversation.
10rd ANNIVERSARY of Gallery Kunst aan de Kade celebrated with a SOLO of Bikkel. Brighart and Shahaila Winklaar surprized Bikkel with a book, composed by many artists who have exhibited at Bikkel's Gallery Kunst aan de Kade during those 10 years. THNX! :-)
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10th Anniversary Art Gallery Kunst aan de Kade celebrated with a SOLO of Bikkel
30 augustus 2014INTRO
From September 5 to November 7, 2014
Open Monday to Friday from 11:00 to 20:00
OPENING: Friday, September 5 at 16:00.
Gallery Kunst aan de Kade, c / o Grand Café Verderop, Westvest 9, Delft
After graduating from the Willem de KLees meer >> | 1590 keer bekeken
WAG NL 2014 Group
16 augustus 2014As WAG NL Promotor, Bikkel have formed the WAG NL 2014 Group. This is a group of NL/Caribbean artists from different disciplines. As group they are, or they will been, invited at different places in the world by WAG-connections, to do their performances, workshops, wall paintings, paintings, etc. Please don't hesitate to ask for our programm or to ask for more information. Contact Bikkel at or tel 0031651150346. Thank you.
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3 paintings Bikkel come into 3 different Musea
14 augustus 2014"Simon Perez at Anne Frank Huis" came into the artcollection of Anne Frank Museum.
"Fight for Independece in Maassluis" came into the artcollection of Museum Maassluis.
"Samuel D. at Estremoz" came into the artcollection of Museum Estremoz, Portugal
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15 juli 2014Some photo's of the performance at Portugal, July 2014.
This painting is made by 3 NL painters during the performance at Estremoz, Portugal.
Bikkel painted 2 acrylic paintings at Estremoz, Portugal: two guys of her NL performance group, situated in Portugal.
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